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Suzanne Bates, PT, DPT, MBA

Suzanne was the youngest in her graduating class when she received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of Utah in 2007. She completed 4 internships in orthopedics, pediatrics, and acute care around the state and the East coast. She has practiced clinically in orthopedics, pediatrics, chronic pain management, inpatient medical/surgical physical therapy, and is a certified Women’s Health specialist. She has managed workers compensation cases since 2009 doing physical therapy reviews, which has evolved into continuing education for case management and contribution toward working with treating medical providers for complicated workers compensation or insurance cases. She sees the necessity and knows the processes insurers and claimants need for optimal medical care. With a desire to bridge the gap between medical and business cultures and improve her own understanding, she completed her Master of Business Administration at Utah State University in 2023.



Bates Medical Management is her vision.

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